Posts Tagged ‘football’

Joanna’s List

February 6, 2011

1. Foie gras

2. Jimmy Choos

3. Raw oysters

4. Football

(Joanna / Easton, CT / Age 53)

Sara’s List

January 21, 2011

1. High heels

2. Christianity

3. Professional sports

4. Neil Young

(Sara / Brooklyn, NY / Age 36)

Megan’s List

March 18, 2010

1. Patriotism

2. Saving sex for marriage

3. The Princess Bride

4. The Super Bowl

(Megan / Seattle, WA / Age 24)

Erica’s List

August 11, 2009

1. Children

2. Football

3. Mushrooms

4. American Idol

(Erica / Laurel, MD / Age 27)

Julia’s List

August 11, 2009

1. Football

2. Steak

3. High heels

4. Dave Eggers

(Julia / Providence, RI / Age 25)

Lindsay’s List

June 15, 2009

1. The Godfather 2

2. Caviar

3. Harry Potter

4. SEC football

(Lindsay / Nashville, TN / Age 25)

Ben’s List

May 5, 2009

1. Hannah Montana

2. Football

3. Ivy League colleges

4. Lawn maintenance

(Ben / Providence, RI / Age 13)